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Thursday, May 27, 2010

5th Sunday of Easter (C) Homily

5th Sunday of Easter (C) Homily

maayong gabie sa tanan! 

ang atong ebanghelyo karun nagahisgut mahitungod sa gugma...dili ni sama sa gugma nga nakita nato ilang Kim Chiu ug Gerald sa salida nga 'paano na kaya'(mahal mo ba ako o mahalaga lang ako sayo)  Piolo o Claudine(mahal mo ba ako dahil kailangan mo ako o kailangan mo ako dahil mahal mo ako)....CONDITIONAL LOVE TANAN!
atong gihisgutan nga gugma mao ang AGAPAIC...greek word sa love 'AGAPE' meaning self-sacrificing unselfish and unselective.   the love of Jesus is not conditional love...it does not say 'i will love you basta ma honor ka' or 'i will love you basta palitan ko nimo ug car yung red ha'
the love of Jesus also is not merited love..it never says,'i love you because you are kind, faithfull etc.'  rather Jesus' love is one initiates and offers freely...(apostles)he loved them inspite of their lack of faith, he continued to love them even after they have abandoned, denied, or betrayed him. Jesus love them not because they were lovable but because he possessed within himself the love of the Father who loves the unlovale and takes the first move in loving us.
ang pangutana karun....HOW DO WE LOVE? kasagaran we express our love by giving gifts...sama ani nga istorya sa 4 ka magsuon....
1st anak: gitukoran ug balay iyang mama
2nd anak: sinehan sa sulod sa balay
3rd anak: mercedez benz
4th anak: parrot($1mil.)
usa ka higayun...ilang mama nagpadala ug sulat sa ilang 4...
1st:dako kaayo ang balay oi...dako pud ako limpyuhanan....salamat
2nd:tigulang naku para mag laroylaroy..busa wala naku nagamit ang car.
3rd:patay na tanan akong mga ka berks ug bungol2x napud ko ug hanap2x nasad..wala naku nagamit ang sinehan.
4:anak ikaw rajud ang naay good sense to give a little thought to your gift...the chicken was delicious...thank you...
external gifts can be symbolic of our love but essentially love can only be effectively expressed through the gift of self.  our model in loving is Jesus Himself...He instruct us to love us....Jesus has given us not just any other gift but the gift of Himself.   he offered his life on the cross thae day after he instructed his disciples of his commandment to love.  the love commanded by Jesus to his disciples seems very dificult if we depend only on our own strenght, we would not be able to love the way Jesus loves.  but if we sincerely intend to love, God will provide the grace that will transform our hearts and make them like the heart of his son.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



today is the 3rd sunday of easter.  the risen JEsus appeared to his disciples for the 3rd time...and prepared breakfast for them.
i have 2 points to share this afternoon basing the gospel.  first point: "Jesus said to them, cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something..."  prior to this verse the apostles were fishing yet caught nothing...
all of us here desires to live a bountiful life-a fruitful and meaningful life.  the gospel today reveals to us the secret path to such a life.  it is only with the Lord's direction that one can truly attain a fruitful life.  always remember, what the gospel tells us...fisshing was their expertise but that night, tey caught nothing.  when it was dawn the risen Lord directed them to cast their net...they caught a large number of fish...
my dear bros. and sisters in Christ we cannot boast of our expertise, skills, talents, and know-how.  they do not guarantee that we can be fruitful in what we do in life.
a 'large catch', a bountiful and meaningful life, is achieved when our expertise is under the direction of the Lord.  apart from him our abilities can be disoriented, our life empty.


onlyin the posture of humility that we can listen to God's directions and eventually enjoy a truly blesssed bountiful life.
do i listen to God's directions? or do i stubbornly and arrogantly insist on doing things my way?
2nd point: do you love me?  a questioned of JEsus to Simon Peter...this question is not hard enough to answer if your spouse is asking this question, or your suitor, friend, parent,etc...but this truly a difficult question to answer with all honesty especially if Jesus is the one asking this question...DO YOU LOVE ME?
an honest evaluation of ourselves will most likely render us incapable of giving a categorical yes.  we love the LOrd, but we know full well that our human heart is fikcle, forgetful,unfaithful, and many times coward.  towards the end of today's gospel episode, Jesus confronts Peter with this hard question: 'do you love me more than these?'  Peter has to answer this 3 times! same number of times he has denied the Lord just before the crucifixion!  what a grilling moment this is for Peter!  but this is a moment of grace too.  the triple question of the master is to allow Peter to undo his tripple profession of love.  such is the Lord's graciousness.
during the season of easter, the question of Jesus, 'do you love me?' is directed personally to each one of us.  the Lord would like to know whether or not we love him selflessly and unceasingly.  it is nice to be with Jesus when everything is going fine, when life is comfortable, or when fortunes and blessings keep coming.  but what happens when our faith is tested, when our christian life is becoming rough or when persecutions come our way?  like Peter, we might find it difficult to promise the Lord.  even so, Jesus remains confident that sooner or later we would develop the same kind of love that finally led the apostles to give their life toally for the service of God.


my dear bros. and sisters...election is fast approaching and Jesus is asking us, DO YOU LOVE ME?  may this question enlightens our mind and heart to chose whose right person to govern our nation and town.  let us have the courage to stand up for our beliefs like what the pastor and few christians did in the story...may the result of this coming election a fruit of our love to him. AMEN

Monday, May 24, 2010



maayong buntag sa inyong tanan!

today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the first christian community.
Pentecost? it mens the "fiftieth day" after easter.
why do we celebrate "Pentecost?" it is because on that day nearly two thousand years ago, the holy catholic church was made known to the world by the outpouring of the holy spirit.
theologians would like to consider this event as the birth of the church.  busa angay nato e greet matag usa ug happy birthday.

ang atong ebangelyo karung adlawa naghisgot sa pagjunsad sa espiritu santo santo.  klaro kaayo mga igsoon nga ang mga apostoles nangahadlok pa bisag nabanhaw na si Kristo.  daghan gihapon sila ug kabalaka ug pirmi sirado ilang balay nga pagatipokan kay lagi hadlok pa sila.

but when the holy spirit descended to the apostles...gi abrehan nila ang pultahan ug nagsangyaw sa maayong balita nga puno sa kaisog ug nagkadaiyang pinulungan..gikan sa kahadlok sila nagmaisugon sa pagtuman sa misyon nga ibilin ni Kristo kanila.

kitang mga katoliko...gibunyagan na ug gi kunpirmahan na...nadawat na nato ang epiritu santo...nagmaisugon ba kita sa atong pagtoo?  gipuy-an ba nato ang atong pagtoo?proud baka nga kristiyano ka?  ingun ni Jesus, "as the father has sent me so i am sending you."
kitang tanan naay misyon sa kinabuhi.  pero nagkadaiyang mga misyon pero usa ra poy paingnan mao ang kaayuhan sa tanan..

the holy spirit, the 3rd person of the trinity, provides different talents to people so that the various needs of the church can be addressed.  ang karisma sa pagtudlo, healing, leading, praying, singing, etc. are gifts of the holy spirit to the community so as to make it fully alive.

we are witnesses of the gifts of the holy spirit in our own christian communities.  in parish, for example, we have people with different talents and capacities contributing in the work of evengelization.  some are singing beautifully in the choir; others are serving efficiently as lectors or prayer leaders; and some others are zealous missionaries, pastoral workers and catechist, etc.  such is the will of the holy spirit because the parish cannot survive with only one charism.

we have lots of talents, pinoy got talents but these talents we have should be for the common good.  unta kining atong mga talento maka serbisyo sa uban ug makahigugma sa uban.  are you generous enough to share one's talents for the common good?  or ikaw nang sige ug panglibak dih panahon sa misa...unsa manang choir oy yabag ayo...unsa manang lectors oi di kabalo mubasa...etc..what if tubagon ka sa Ginoo...unya ikaw maayo man ka mubasa, mukanta nganung wa man ka niapil diha sa simbahan para kanako..

in reality, naa gyuy mga tawo nga dili manghatagun sa ilang paghatag sa ilang talento.  there is an abundance of gifts but they only serve their own interest or the interest of their family.  obviously, communities like these are not truly christian because they are living against the will of the holy spirit.



we have different talents and it meant to be shared for the BETTER GLORY OF GOD'S KINGDOM.

hinaut pa unta!



happy fiesta sa tanan!
basi sa akong experienced sukad pa sa highschool...maghisgot gani ug pista pakals!kumbira! chibog ug hubog gyud ang naa sa akon hunahuna...mamista ta bai...didto ilang pare o mare...
panahon pud sa pista ang tagbalay busy kaayo ug panghinlo, butang kurtena, trapo sa plato ug kutsara nga tinaguan pa...loto pakaon arun ipakaon sa bisita...

ako nakapangutana sa akong kaugalingon mao ba kini gyud ang meaning sa pista?kaon ra ba gyud taman!
gipangita naku unsay meaning sa word nga fiesta...ug ang iyang meaning mao ang "a large meal".  pero kitang mga katoliko wala nagpabilin ani nga meaning kay kita nagatoo nga ang pista mao ang adlaw sa pagpasalamat sa atong partron diha sa pakig uban kanato sa atong kinabuhi sa iyang pangaliya diri sa inyong kapilya ug communidad.

"Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar...Give to Jesus what belongs to Jesus"
misa una ayha ang lamisa...naa sa misa ang dakung kumbira...eucharist is a foretaste of heaven..(fellowship with God)

paki hikap sa inyong bulsa ug tan awa unsay sulod? apil pud sa inyong bag o pitaka..naa paba inyong kwarta, ang cellphone naa paba?diha sa inyong bulsa o bag naa bay rosaryohan ninyo nga dala?  maypa ang cellphone taga adlaw dal on...kung malimtan balikan gyud pero ang rosaryohan ambot lang kaha...a sad reality but true to us.

ang mensahe ni Maria sa Fatima mao ang pag-ampo sa rosaryohan matag adlaw...para sa kalinaw sa kalibutan.  kalinaw mao kini pirmi ang greetings ni Kristo...Peace be with you...kalinaw from the Gk. word 'shallom' nga nagpasabot the fullness of blessings.
si Maria isip inahan sa Dios ug sa simbahan nangandoy nga iyang mga anak diri sa yuta makasinati ug 'shallom'.  HOW to achieve it?  Pray the Rosary everyday!

Why pray the Rosary today?
4 reasons
1.to grow in holiness and in one's prayer life.
2.Pope PiusIX 'among all the devotions approved by the church none has been so favoured by so many miracles as the devotion of the most Holy Rosary.'
3.'say the Rosary everyday to obtain peace for the world' Our Lady of Fatima
4.Pope Paul VI 'the rosary is the compedium of the entire Gospel.'

the word rosary means 'crown of roses'
Our Lady has revealed to several people that each time they say a Hail Mary they are giving her a beautiful rose and that each complete rosary makes her a crown of roses.
rose is the queen of flowers, and so the rosary is the queen of all devotions and it is therefore the most important one.
the holy rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lies the awesome story of salvation.  with the hail mary we invite hr to pray for us.
Our Lady always grants our request.  waht mary asks she always receives, Jesus can never say no to whatever his mother asks for.

wala na si Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta ug francisco Marto. wala na ang mga ambassador ni Maria..ikaw ready nabakang mahimo nga ambassador ni Maria?  kita unta ang mamahimong bag-ong ambassador ni Maria karung panahuna..


hinaut pa unta!



Maayong buntag sa tanan!



in summary...life is a CROSS...Vertical line (your relationship with GOD)...Horizontal line (your relationship to your neighbors)

in reality... not all the time we will experience abundance in life...pain will always be there...

1. engagement ring 2.wedding ring 3.suffering 4.boxing ring
marriage is not a bed of roses... there are misunderstanding and conflicts as the years goes by..it is important that the couple strive to adjust to each other's psycho-emotional differences.  somebody said: "marriage should be a union of two forgivers."

hinaut pa unta!


Year C HOMILY (Jn.17:20-26)

Jesus in today's gospel pray for us...THAT THEY(WE) ALL BE ONE...to His FATHER.
This was the main reason why Jesus came...to save us...inorder to be one with His Father...to have a fellowship with Him.

You are here studying or working in SAIT...but you are not for SAIT!
You live here in Valencia but you are not for Valencia!
We live here on Earth but we are not for earth!
We are not for earth because we are for HEAVEN!

That was the prayer of Jesus for us...to have a fellowship with His Father in the heavenly kingdom.

My dear bros. & sisters the QUESTION is how?  unsaon nato nga ma unite ta sa atong AMAHAN samtang buhi pata?
The discples/apostles made their part and for sure they are already in the kingdom.
Daghang paagi nga kita ma hiusa kang Kristo ug sa iyang Amahan.

Usahay sa atong pag ka studyante busy kaayo atong life...study gamay...laag...inom...chicks...cats...night life...etc...
kita pud magtotodlo busy gihapon sa pag atiman sa anak, bana/asawa, higala, studyante ug etc...
sa atong ka busy sa kinabuhi tungod sa panginabuhi nalimtan nato ang tinubdan sa atong kinabuhi...nalimtan nato makighiusa sa atong Ginoo diha sa pag-ampo.
we christians should have time with our God to be united and one with Him!


mamahimo unta kita nga instrumento sa kahiusahan sa atong katilingban dili tuburan sa katibulaag.
puy-an unta nato ang atong pagka Kristiyanos dili sa ngalan lamang apan sa atong pagpuyo sa katilingban.
kita unat ang motubag sa pag-ampo ni Kristo...nga tungod sa atong pagtoo daghan patag makabig paingon sa dalan sa Ginoo...
mag-ampo ta sama ni Jesus para sa kahiusan sa atong, pamilya, katilingban kay nothing is impossible with our God and we must believe in this one.

hinaut pa unta!