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Thursday, February 25, 2010



(Lk. 1:57-66)
Advent C
December 23, 2009

Maayong Gabie sa tanan!

• Na a koy duha ka trivia mahitungod kang John the Baptist. Una, sa kadaghang mga santos sa simbahan the church never ever celebrated the birthday of the saints. We celebrate the day they died because we believe that’s when they entered God’s Kingdom. But except for two, for Mary and John the Baptist. Pangkaduha, dili karun ang bday ni John. The birth of John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24th. You might ask? How did we know his bday? wala mana sa libro, wala pud sa bibliya. And they didn’t have 24th at the time of John the Baptist.

• Well, it’s the same with Jesus. At the winter solstice when the days get the shortest of the year and the year is the darkest. In the darkness of the year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Then everyday after that, there is more and more and more light. The days get longer, until six months later, the summer solstice. And we put the birth of John the Baptist there. Because john the Baptist said, “he must increase, I must decrease.” So we celebrate near the longest day of the year when there is lots of light and then we notice everyday after, the days get shorter after the birth of John the Baptist. A reminder that we are moving toward the darkness and the need for Jesus. Mao ni and duha ka trivia bahin sa iya…interesting no?

• The name Jonh means “God is Gracious”. And God himself gave the name John at it was revealed to his father Zachary in a vision (Lk. 1:13).

• Nay usa ka philosopher nga si Jean Paul Satre…ingon niya…that people come into the world without purpose for their lives. He was wrong! Because in the birth of John the Baptist God already has a purpose for his children before they come into this world, and so the challenge of life is for them to discover this purpose and to be faithful to its demands. Kitang tanan diri nga nagsimba karun ug katong wala pud diri nay purpose sa kinabuhi. We are made for a reason. Ang uban nakita na nila unsay ilang purpose sa kinabuhi u gang uban pud wala pakita. Para saw ala pa nakakita challenge yourself to find it because that is the only thing you will be happy for the rest of your life.

• Christ was born with a purpose…to save us and not to destroy us…and our purpose also is to praise and worship God. ang atong ebanghelyo karun naghagit kanato nga kita pud unta mahimong mga John the Baptist karung panahuna. Kita unta ang instrument nga makaila sila kang Kristo. A reminder that the task of making Christ known has been passed on to us. He became a “light to the nations”, and so must we…HOW? By showing loyalty to a friend, forgiveness to your enemy, service to your boss, good example to your child, honor to your father, gratitude and devotion to your mother, love and faithfulness to your spouse, respect yourself, charity to all men, and your LIFE to God!

• Before I will end my sharing. I have a story to tell about this great Filipino. He is one of good examples of follower of John the Baptist. He makes Jesus and Mary well known to the world. I consider him a great evangelizer of our Catholic faith. He is Manny Pacquiao…during his speech on his bday he said, “Would you like to know where I get my strength and power? He said, God told me “just trust me, I will not leave you, I will not abandon you!” this was why in every fight he fought, he would kneel and pray in his corner to seek Divine Guidance…win or lose, I will pray at the corner to thank God for all the blessings. And he asked the audience…”what about you, did you count your blessings (win or lose)? Remember to thank God for all He has done…and he will give you your needs…

• Kita? Naa bat ay pagsalaig sa Ginoo nga dili kita niya biyaan? Do we seek Divine guidance before we begin the day? Faithful bat a gihapon sa atong pag-ampo bisag nagkalisod nata sa atong kinabuhi? O may rata moampo pag hayahay ang kahimtang. Be the light of our nations my brothers and sister…hinaut pa unta!

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