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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Rooted and Centered in Christ

There is no other reason behind why I am here in the seminary. I was called by God and I responded to His call. From this sense, I believe that this calling is really rooted in Christ. But the question: “Am I Christ- centered in living the seminary formation?” I was shocked by my own question. It took several minutes before I realized and remembered my life during my college years. While I was a pre-collegian as far as I remember I was really sure that those days were most glorifying, something to be proud of to God because I was Christ- centered then. Moreover there is other side in every story. This reality is already part of my history. Yes it is a shameful truth. When I was in College especially my first year and second year in formation, I forgot to bring Christ in the center of life. And it was worsened when I was sent out in the formation. The more I ran away from God or Jesus. Days and months passed by, there is no God anymore in my life. I settle my own life believing that I can do everything without Him. But I realized later that I am nothing with out Him. Thanks be to God. God loves me so much despite all the things I’ve done to Him. There were instances when God was calling me again to be back in the seminary formation. But God received lot of rejection from me. I was like a ship without a rudder, a waif. My life had no direction. It seemed life was meaningless. Fortunately God never stopped calling me. He courted me like a lover. This time I hastily said yes to Him. That’s why I am here in St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. In connection with all this experience of mine I would conclude with conviction that this calling is not rooted in worldly desire. Rather it is rooted in Christ. When it is rooted in Christ it entails then that it is Christ- centered. And if I am going to rate myself I will give myself 7 out of 10. Because I am not a perfect person. I know I have a long road to be perfect. The seminary formation is a tool for me to achieve the perfect score. I am aiming for it. How to achieve that? By the help of Jesus Christ, my personal devotion and commitment to this vocation, by the help of our formators outside the seminary, people who are very supportive in my disposition. On the other hand as I make this very long journey I know that there will be hindrances. I know what are my weakest point and my worst enemy. That’s why I am now trying to tame myself because I am the greatest enemy of myself. The greatest battle is not outside of myself but here in myself. Who can defeat this? It is only myself. However why worry if there is God loving me so much despite who you are. God is so in loved with me without reservation. I’m so in loved with Him, even though sometimes it is conditional. But the important is I love Him. If I am in love I don’t even care about the hindrances and obstacles I encountered in the road. Love overcomes them all. Love conquers everything. Love will lead me into my vocation. If Ninoy Aquino said Filipinos are worth dying for, I would say JESUS is the most worthy to die for. This person is the best source to the ideals of Diocesan Priestly Vocation. If I am really rooted and Christ centered, only through Him, in Him you can achieved a perfect servant hood someday. And that is what I am doing and practicing right now so that by practicing as early as this stage of my life I can perfect the rating scale not for my own good but for the greater Glory of our God and His people. Thank you!

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