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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

31st Sunday OT C

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time C
Lukke 19:1-10

Maayong buntag sa tanan!
(Crumpled Money Story)
Ang atong ebanghelyo karun mga igsuon naghisgot sa Value/bili sa tawo.  Bisag ikaw pa ang pinakadautan nga tawo sa kalibutan; inilhan sa mga tawo nga dautan, ikaw gihigugma sa Dios.  Kabalo na kita unsay nature aning usa ka tawo collector.  Busa si Zacchaeus layo ug gitrattar nga kaaway sa mga tawo.  Gusto ni Zacchaeus makit-an si Jesus apan kini lisod para sa iyaha kay siya mobo, dili sa physical kundili sa spiritual nga kabahin.  Nangita siya ug paagi nga makit-an niya si Jesus-misaka siya sa kahoy ug nakita niya si Jesus-ug si Jesus nakakita pud niya.  Diri nato Makita ang desire ni Z nga magbag-o (half of his possessions, will be given to the poor, those i extorted i shall repay it 4 times over).  Z led as immoral life but received salvation because he was willing to leave everything for Jesus.

The conversion experience of Z inspires us to do at least 3 things:
1.       First, is to find a peace with our Creator.  St Augustine reminded us that we are made for God and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.  Z found real joy only when he received the Lord Jesus in his life.  May we likewise find our way to meet Jesus who also is constantly seeking for us!
2.       Second, is to acknowledge humbly our faults and ask for mercy and forgiveness.  Sometimes we like to blame others for our wrongdoings.  Other times we minimize the gravity of our sins or justify them with trivial excuses.  Let us emulate the example of Z who confessed his crime, accepted responsibility and showed remorse in the presence of Jesus.  St. Augustine once said, “the confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.”
3.       Third, is to make sincere reparations for whatever injuries we have committed against others.  We offend others by taking advantage of their miserable situations, or by taking something that rightfully belongs to others, or by destroying another person’s name.  Let us try to restore whatever damage we caused in other people’s lives.
Ug sa katapusan...ma sama unta kita kang Z nga andam mag bag-o kanunay...let us welcome Christ to transform our lives...

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