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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Luke 12:54-59

Good afternoon!
Jesus once again confronts the hypocrisy of the Jews:  they are experts at reading atmospheric signs but incapable of interpreting that in their midst something very special is going on!
People of faith are called to understand the times in which we live.  This requires not only awareness of our world situation but of an understanding of scripture.  How tragic that today, men can predict the movement of the stars and even put men on the moon, but they are blind, to what God is doing in the world.  They know how to get to the stars but so many of them do not know how to get to heaven.  Indeed, many of us were extraordinary gifted at something:  mathematics, science, computers, dancing, singing, sports, etc...yet, in a very ‘simple’ things like good manners, hygiene, proper waste disposal prayer, attending Sunday mass, etc. We fail miserably!
Indeed, depth and breadth of knowledge does not necessarily translate into wisdom (the ability to read the sign of the times).  Jesus continues his teaching by warning his disciples that there will be –judgment-  two things i want you to see about judgment:  first, we need to recognize that judgment is real (vv.54-56).  The people who live in Palestine in the days of Jesus’ ministry did not have the modern weather observation equipment of today, but they did have the ability to observe the conditions in the sky.  Jesus asks why were they so good at reading the earth’s winds and such failures at reading the spiritual winds.  They could read earthly weather, but they neglected the signs of the moral and spiritual climate all around them.
Jesus calls it hypocrisy, because it was all pretence that they did not know what was happening.  Try to observed energy, time and money they spent in our modern society to bring us the very latest weather reports from around the globe.  Yet the people of today pay more attention to tomorrow’s weather forecast than they go to their eternal destiny.  The signs are there for those who are willing to observe them, and they warn of an inferno of judgment against an ungodly world, a fact which most people prefer to ignore or deny.  Because of this we have a world culture that in spite of the witness and testimony of the Church continues to reject the good news of Jesus Christ.  That calls good evil and evil good, worship money, glorifies sex, fame and vanity, kills unwanted babies in the name of convenience, and worships self as the god of all things.
There are lots of warnings/signs we encounter in our lives...warning from the teacher not to cheat...warning from our parents...the traffic signs...the PAGASA weather forecast...if we ignored these warnings, disaster will follows.  Warnings are only good if they are responded to appropriately, which brings to the second and final principle.
Secondly, we need to prepare because judgment is coming (vv 57-59).  People will do almost anything to stay out of jail, but how many people will apply the same kind of diligence to stay out of hell?  Accept Christ as your personal Savior because he is the way, the truth, and the life...and in accepting Christ we need to act our faith.  And lastly, repentance is also necessary to enter the kingdom of God.  Please do have time to look at yourself...and just try to measure it out if you can enter to heaven...and if you can’t...make some action and do it now!  AMEN.

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