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Friday, December 25, 2009



Lk. 1:46-56
December 22, 2009
4th Week of Advent C


Kinsa may kabalo mo kanta ug ‘NOBODY’ by wonder girls? Diba usa mani sa mga sikat nga kanta karun. Bisag di masabtan ang lyrics kay kini Korean song memorize gihapon sa mga tawo. Kadumdum paba mo sa grupo nga F4? Diba nisikat pud to sila sa una ug ma bata man o matigulang kabalo sa kanta ug memorize pa. Ug kinsa man kaninyo diri ang maka memorize sa lyrics nga gihimo ni Maria? Subo pamalandungon mga igsoon nga kita mga katoliko ug devoted kang Maria, ug kusog pa gyud mo claim nga Marian ta pero di maka memorize sa lyrics o wa gyud kabasa sukad pa sa una.

Ug mangutana mo sa ako karun. Alangan brod kaning mga secular nga mga kanta dali ma memorize ug mahibal-an kay pirmi namu madungan sa radyo, fm, cd, ug uban pa. Ug kining kanta ni Maria wa gyud ni ge play sukad sa radyo.

Ug tubagon pud tamo nga igsoon. Kita panahon sa tipok2x uban sa atong mga barkada, pamilya, dili gyud mawala nga manganta ta sa videoke machine muholog pa gyud ug singko…pero ang bibliya dili gyud mauklab aron mo memorize sa Magnificat ni Maria. Nga unta kini naa raman sa balay ug dili pa gyud mogasto.

Busa mga igsoon mao kini atong unang hagit. Hatagan unta nato ug panahon nga mubasa sa mga mensahe diha sa bibliya sama sa paghatag ninyo ug gahin sa pagtan-aw sa tv, radyo, internet, facebook, friendster, celphone, etc..


Si Maria ubos nga sulogoon kay siya usa ka babae. Women during that time was nobody, nobody in the society. They were treated as property or belongings to their husband. Aside from she was a woman: Mary was materially poor. Sa una hangtud karun, ang mga dato ra ang gamhanan ug naay tingog sa katilingban. Busa mao nang naka bungat si Maria aning mga pulonga nga puno sa pagdayeg sa Ginoo. Kay nobody, nobody siya sa katilingban.

Ngano man mga igsoon gapilion sa Ginoo ang mga naa sa ubos, pobre, o walay mga pulos sa katilingban? Sa Old Testament, gipili niya si Moises nga di kabalo mangnolti, si Jeremiah nga bata paman siya, ang 12 ka Apostoles nga ordinaryong mga tawo ug makakasala man to sila, nganung gipili sa Ginoo nga sa pasungan sa maanak…

Ingon sa 1 Cor. 1:27, “gituyo pagpili sa Dios ang giisip sa mga tawo nga walay kapuslanan aron pakaulawan ang mga maalamon ug gipili niya kadtong giisip nga huyang aron pakaulawan ang mga taong gamhanan.”

Si Maria mao atong modelo sa pagdawat kang Kristo sa atong kinabuhi. Magmalipayon unta kiya sa pagdawat nato kaang Kristo sa atong kinabuhi. Ug bisag sa kalisud unta Makita gihapon nato sa atong kinabuhi nga si Kristo anaa sa atong kiliran.

Kung si Maria naka sulti sa iyang gibati pinaagi sa kanta. Kita, kamu, ikaw, ako sa unsa pong pamaagiha man express nato ang kalipay nga si Kristo nakig-uban kanato. Ug unta dili kini taman sa pulong lamang kundili sa buhat Makita pud. Kung tan awon nato atong palibot diri sa Valencia ania napud atong mga bisita nga gapangayo ug limos. Manuktok sa atong balay ug mangayo ug pinaskuhan. Unta kita dili maghinakug sa ila. Unta Makita nila si Kristo pinaagi sa inyong with smile nga paghatag sa pinaskuhan.

Sa pagsaulog sa pasko…dili unta mag matter ang atong kalipay sa atong handa nga gi prepare, nadawat nga bunos, o regalo. Daghang pamaagi sa pagsaulog sa pasko sama sa pagpasalamat sa mga grasya nga nadawat sama sa maayong panglawas, maayong trabaho, kumpleto ug malipayon nga pamilya, ug uban pa. Unta sa atong pagpasalamat Makita nato nga ang Ginoo is with us. Mao unta kini ang sumbanan sa atong kalipay sa pag saulog nato sa pasko. Christmas is a reminder that God love us and save us.

Hinaut pa unta.

Maayong buntag

Thursday, December 24, 2009


                                                                               ‘Noche buena is good night, not good food’

By Dona Pazzibugan
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 02:13:00 12/24/2009
Filed Under: Christmas, Food, Customs & Traditions

MANILA, Philippines—Noche buena: it’s not about food; it’s the celebration of Christ’s birth.

Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, media director of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), Wednesday reminded the faithful that the original meaning of noche buena is good night—not good food.

People experiencing difficulties should bear this in mind before they complain of having another sad Christmas.

When times are hard, Christmas becomes more meaningful because people come to realize that they need Christ the Savior, Quitorio said.

He noted how Filipinos get depressed when they are not able to prepare a special feast for noche buena.

“When you equate Christmas with noche buena, you lose the meaning of Christmas,” Quitorio said.

“Christmas is not about noche buena. That’s why Christmas becomes bleak to most people. They say they cannot buy ham, they cannot buy this and that, without realizing that Christmas is not about material things, Christmas is about loving one another,” he said.

It’s not about ham

In the first place, Quitorio stressed, noche buena is not about the feast.

“We have reduced it to ham. [That’s] not noche buena,” he stressed. “Noche buena was actually the traditional midnight Mass [on Christmas Eve]. We celebrate the Eucharist as a banquet. We celebrate the banquet because Jesus was born.”

“[Because] God loved us and sent his own Son to us, that’s noche buena,” Quitorio said.

“Although there are many depressing events, unlike in past Christmases, we celebrate Christ who gave us light in the midst of darkness,” he added.

In fact, Quitorio said, the world was in worse shape when Jesus was born, as most of the world was under the Roman Empire.

Deeper meaning

He said Christ’s birth took on a deeper meaning because it happened in the middle of the night.

“The darkness experienced by the people [then], in the political and social sense, was even darker than what we experience at this time. God sent us light. Maybe it’s not by accident that Jesus was born at night. It happened at night so it becomes more meaningful. You realize you need a Savior, the Good News,” Quitorio explained.

More important than a noche buena feast was goodwill in the family, he said.

“Even if we have a noche buena [feast, but] if we are not in good terms with our family—what’s the good in that? The love that has been born has not been born in the midst of the family. There are those who have a lot of food to eat but their hearts are empty,” Quitorio said.

From the heart

He also said there were ways to celebrate the tradition of Christmas gift-giving with things other than material.

“You give gifts to express what you have. Do not give gifts if it does not come from your heart. Because if it comes from the heart, it will be gladly received even if it’s a paltry gift. A small, lighted candle is a better gift than a car that comes from jueteng (illegal numbers game) or from someone with an evil heart,” Quitorio said.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009




December 21, 2009

Ang atong Ebangelyo karun nagahisgot sa PAGBISITA ni Maria kang Elizabeth.

Kung ikaw/kamo pagabisitahon sa usa ka higala nga sa madugay na panahon wala namo nag kita, unsa man ang inyong pagabation? Diba kalipay atong mabati sa atong kasing2x. (ex.Reunion,etc.)

Kung ang usa ka dalaga nga babae pagabisitahun sa inyong balay sa inyong uyab diba malipay man mo? Kung kamo mga ginikanan pagabisitahon sa inyong mga anak diba dili masabtan ang pitik sa kalipay na nabati sa sulod sa atong kasing2x?

Sa pagbisita diay adunay dala nga kalipay!

Kung ang atong suad nga higala, anak, uyab, ig-agaw, politico, artista, pari, etc. mobisita sa atong panimalay haskang lipaya gyud nato. Pero pag pobre o manglilimos gani mo tok2x sa atong panimalay. Ambot lang kung malipay ba ta?

Naay duha ka realidad sa atong kinabuhi. Una ang realidad nga kita pagabisitahun. Ug ang realidad nga kita ang mobisita.

Sa panahon sa pasko naa gyuy mobisita kanato. Sama sa atong mga binata, ig-agaw ug uban pa. Unta sa atong paghatag sa pinaskuhan kita malipayon ug mapasalamaton sa Ginoo nga kita nakahatag. Ug unta we go extra mile sa atong pagka mang gihatagun. Dili lang unta dha sa atong cirle of friends kun dili apilon pud nato ang uban nga wa ba belong sa atong cirle of friends.

Gahinan pud nato ug panahon ang pagbisita sa atong mga higala o myembro sa atong pamilya. Si lolo, lola, uncle, aunte, etc. dili sa pagpangayo ug pinaskuhan kundili sa pagbisita ug pangumusta lang kanila. Kana nga buhata dako kaayo ug epekto sa kinabuhi sa tawo.

Pareha ni Maria, wala siya mi bisita kang Elizabeth arun sa pagpahambug sa bata nga iyang gemapdos. Kun dili siya mi bisita arun sa pagtabang kang Elizabeth kay tigulang naman siya nagmapdos. Mary was not only ready to serve God; she was also quick to help others in need.

This Christmas season, it would be very meaningful if, like Mary, we begin to consider how we can provide genuine assistance to others who are less fortunate. Ordinarily, we would like to wonder “unsa kaha akong madawat karung pasko no?” o “kinsa kaha ang makahatag sa ako ug tsada kaayo nga pinaskuhan?”

Ang ebanghelyo nato karun naga hagit kanato nga instead of asking something why not giving something to the less fortunate people. Let us emulate Mary’s example of generous self-giving.

Sa katapusan…si Jesus pirmi naga bisita sa atong kasing2x (ex.Ordinary experiences) arun kita maluwas. Christ was born for us to have eternal life. Unta andam ta pirmi sa iyaang pagbisita. Hinaut pa unta.

Maayong buntag!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Toothpick Rubber band
Band aid
Chewing gum
Candy Kiss
Tea Bag

Here's why:

Toothpick - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in
others...Matt 7:1

Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go
the way you want, but it will work out...Romans 8:28

Band Aid - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone
else's...Col. 3:12-14

Pencil - To remind you to list your blessings everyday...Eph1: 3

Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's
okay...Gen. 50:15-21

Chewing gum - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish
anything ...Phil 4:13

Mint - to remind you that you are worth a mint to your heavenly
father...John 3:16-17

Candy Kiss - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug
everyday...1 John 4:7

Tea Bag - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of God's
blessings... 1 Thess 5:18

This is my gift to you. May God richly bless you.

To the world, you may just be somebody...but to somebody, you may be
the world.


- From the Gospel of LK. 4:38-44
3 points that I learned in this gospel from the homily of the Jesuit provincial father. According, to him that this gospel is good for thanksgiving mass after the ordination.
1. This gospel tells us that priest to be should be a healer (spiritual). And in healing…..we can give hope to those who are ill.
2. JESUS PRAYS: as priest to be, all my accomplishments in my ministry should be dedicated it to God my master. I should pause for a moment to thank my Master always by praying.
3. JESUS GO TO OTHER TOWN: as priest to be I should go wherever my bishops wants me to go. I must not be attached in one place. I should not stay in a place where I am comfortable but I should be also go to the place where I am not comfortable.

These 3 points are the characteristics of the priest to be. AND I DARE MYSELF!

- INTRAMS: it was a happy and gay celebration. And these were some important quotes that I learned during the celebration.

- I should have the courage and confidence to express my identity what ever circumstances.

I was struck of this phrase during the class discussion with Fr. Manol. I realized that someday I can have this power. Maybe not the same power as the apostles have but in the other way around. As priest to be my homily should be one of my forms to express this outward power of mine. It may not heal them physically but maybe it might help them to change their lives to be a better one. To own these powers I must ask God’s grace for this. I know God will not reject what I am asking to Him because it is for His own glorification. If I have these powers I know I will become effective preacher someday.

- From the Gospel of LK. 6:20-26 “THE BEATITUDES”
• Blessed those who are poor because they seek Jesus. Woe to those who are rich because they do not seek Jesus rather they seek money, power and they not be contented enough. but for those who are poor JESUS is enough.

- From the gospel of LK. 6:27-38 “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES”
• We should love our enemies because Jesus presence is hidden from these things/persons we hate. Like what the prayer of St. Francis, “MAKE ME A CHANNEL OF YOUR PEACE, WHERE HATRED LET ME BRING YOUR LOVE.”

- Accepting who you are, where you from can help you to become good shepherd and a happy priest.

- God doesn’t call people who are qualified. He calls people who are willing and then He qualifies them (Richard parker)

- From the gospel of MK. 8:27-35 “PETER’S CONFESSION ABOUT JESUS”
• Believing in Jesus and living what he teaches us is our challenge. Who is Jesus to us must be heard in what we say and be seen in what we do.

- Life is gained by losing it. Life is lost by saving it. Jesus demonstrates this on the cross.

- SD with Fr. Vir: lesson I got from my SD was that. No one can force man to grow. Like planting a tree you cannot force it to grow rather you can only abide and guide it to be straight and firm. And that’s forming a human person.

- I got a new levi’s jean from the generous heart of my best friend Ariel Quintero.

- I finished reading the whole chapter of Genesis. And starting reading the book of Exodus.

- From the gospel of JN. 3:13-17 “THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS”
• God’s purpose in giving Jesus to the world and lifting Him up in glory was not to condemn the world. Jesus purpose was to save everyone who would believe in Him; everyone who looks upon the cross is healed.

- Ang di mag-antos di ma santos. Ang dim aka-antos pamutos.

- Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Since my mother’s name is also Mary that’s whay it came up into my mind to text her and ask her what are her sorrows in life as mother. Then she replied.
1. A good future for my children is my great concern as mother.
2. One present sorrows I am facing today is our financial debts incurred during school time and it is still unpaid.
3. A new debts/loan created to solve the problem. A continual utang.
4. Causes sleepless night, stress, depression that even affects my health.
5. Worried how to pay; no source of income.
6. Health-sickly body needs money
7. I want to witness your success and that is my great happiness.

- This is what I learned from the class with Fr. MAnol:
• PAGTOO- pag ‘oo’ sa +(cross)
• I was enlightened about the book of revelation. The main thought of this book is to give hope.
• Religious experience is not just a feeling. God’s revelation in ordinary days and man’s response of that experience.
• Christianity is a religion of personal encounter with God.

- MK. 9:30-37: who is the greatest? Whether you are a prince or a pauper, president or a farmer as long as you serve in truth, in love and humility, you are great.

- Only when there is faith does it finally become the truth.(dragon heat movie)

- MK. 9:38-48…Christ’s measures of goodness. 1. Real goodness goes with charity for all. 2. The value of goodness is not in the act, but from the heart. 3. Goodness edifies. 4. Eternal good is above all.

Thursday, November 5, 2009



If you never felt pain, then how would you know that I'm a Healer?
If you never went through difficulties, how would you know that I'm a Deliverer?
If you never had a trial, how could you call yourself an overcomer?
If you never felt sadness, how would you know that I'm a Comforter?
If you never made a mistake, how would you know that I'm forgiving?
If you knew it all, how would you know that I will answer your

If you never were in trouble, how would you know that I will come to your rescue?
If you never were broken, then how would you know that I can make you whole?

If you never had a problem, how would you know that I can solve them?
If you never had any suffering, then how would you know what Jesus went through?

If you never went through the fire, then how would you become pure?
If I gave you all things, how would you appreciate them?
If I never corrected you, how would you know that I love you?
If you had all power, then how would you learn to depend on me?
If your life was perfect, then what would you need Me for?


The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation
(Intro to Scripture class with Fr. Manol SJ)

It is an apocalyptic literature that was present from 200 BC to 200 AD. Apocalyptic in Greek means ‘disclosure’ or ‘revelation’. This genre came out at the period when the believers were suffering terrible persecutions under the hands of the great world empire (Jews under the Greeks and the Christians under the Romans). So it was a response to this challenge encountered by God’s people. Its purpose was to encourage and support those undergoing persecution and suffering because of their faith.

Apocalyptic literature used a good deal of imagery and symbols to convey the message of encouragement and hope.

Examples: Daniel, IV Ezra, II Baruch (contemporary of Rev)

John Randall: “The Book of Rev is at least 95% concerned with the events of the 1st and 2nd centuries. So instead of being [a book for our times that outlines what the future will be], it is a book mostly about past history where we might see applications and parallels and learn a good deal for ourselves.”

Rev as a book has a prophetic element in the sense that it is speaking for God rather than predicting the future. It is written to console and encourage. The author in symbolism and imagery presents God as vindicator, as savior who will ultimately lead the persecuted and those who suffer to the freedom of a new life.

Rev are reflections on events of the times when believers were undergoing thru persecution and suffering because of their faith. Like any apocalyptic literature Rev makes use of end-of-time symbolism to describe what was taking place during Christianity’s 1st century existence. This called attention to now God will ultimately redeem His people who were unjustly persecuted.

The persecutors are described in symbols (usually fearful symbols) and so once they are understood properly, the book can be seen in its true light.

In Rev the persecutor is the pagan Roman empire that caused havoc to the young Church. The events and symbols described in the book happened for the most part in the 1st 200 years of Christianity. The ‘future’ predictions are actually the future in a very broad sense: evil and good will always be at war, but good will eventually conquer.

Unfortunately, many readers have forgotten the 1st century addressees and not knowing the nature of apocalyptic literature, they think that Rev is an exact prediction of the future, especially of the end of the world. Indeed, there will be an end to our present world somewhere in God’s plan (‘transformation is a better world). But the point is, no detailed outline can be found in Scripture, not in Rev.

Symbolism pervades the Bible; it is one of the media through which God conveys truth. Symbols serve as a vehicle for expressing depth of insight into realities difficult to describe in a more literal way (Good Shepherd to express God’s patient tender compassion and care).

Just about everything in life can be given a symbolic meaning, and that is just what the bible authors did. Throughout the Bible symbols are used to convey truth. Today, in order to understand the author’s meaning, readers must translate the symbols back into the mind of the author. Sometimes it is difficult to grasp the meaning of the symbol. The key to unlock the meaning of symbols lies most often in human understanding of the historical situation at the time the author wrote. Part of this understanding lies in grasping the common symbols used by people of Jewish times.


One type of symbol that is common in the Bible is numbers. Scholars have discovered that numbers had a special meaning for the Jews: 7 meant totality or perfection; 6 meant imperfection; 12 meant Israel; 1000 meant immensity; 4 meant the world; 40 meant something like “sufficient for the purpose,” as in Acts 1,3 where 40-day period before Jesus’ ascension meant that he spent the ‘time needed’ to instruct his followers before his appearances stopped.

Another use the Israelites made of numbers is called Gematria—adding the numerical value of the letters that make up a name: e.g., a=1, b=2, etc. (AD 79 Pompeii, the lover hid the name of his loved one by giving the numerical value of the letters of her name. We will see how this Gematria helps us to understand the mysterious ‘666’ image of Rev 13,18.

The apocalyptic book of Daniel was written to encourage the Jewish people, who were on the verge of despair because of Antiochus IV. The 3 ½ years of persecution they underwent under this man caused them to use this number (3 ½ years, 1260 days, or 42 months) again and again as a symbol of any period of crisis.

Cosmic Imagery

Rev 6,12-17 is a dramatized portrayal of the end of the persecution. This is not the end of the world being described here. It is simply another example of what can be termed apocalyptic imagery: symbolic and colorful descriptions that are tools (not to be taken literally) used by the biblical author to dramatize the end of the persecution and the victory that will come over Rome itself.

In a sense it is the end of a world, i.e., the world of Rome and its misused of power and unjust persecution. The reference is only indirectly to the end of the world as we understand the world now. Additionally, these verses are to be taken only in the broad sense: at the end of time God will be clearly shown in His sovereignty and power as the forces of evil are finally silenced/overcome (Unfortunate misinterpretations).

Mark 13,32.

The Millennium

In Rev 20,1-6 John speaks of a thousand-year period or millennium. For some this is a precise period of time in the future in preparation for or immediately following the 2nd coming of Christ (Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that it was inaugurated with the ‘invisible’ return of Jesus to earth in 1914).

For us Catholics, we follow the meaning biblical scholars find in John’s own thoughts (literal meaning). For him, it was symbolic—not literal—period. Thousand in Scripture means fullness, completeness. It is the indefinite length of time that began with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and continues until his 2nd coming and the final judgment of humanity. It is synonymous with Christianity, that faith-experience that stretches through history and is now in its 2000th year.

End times and eschatology relate to the same period. History is perceived by Christians as a series of events leading eventually to the final event, the eschaton in which Parousia or 2nd coming of Christ will take place ‘to judge the living and the dead.’

The ‘end times’ are thus a combination of ‘already’ and ‘not yet’. ‘Already’ because the decisive victory over evil has already been accomplished by Christ; ‘not yet’ because its full realization in our lives and in creation is still not arrived yet.

With this scriptural understanding of ‘end times’ as something already upon us today, we can better understand many images in Revelation such as ‘Satan chained and released,’ ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘666 Beast,’ ‘Antichrist,’ and ‘Armageddon.’

Satan Chained and Released (20,7)

What does John mean when he says that at the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released after being chained for that time? Are we to believe that God will allow evil to run rampant again after Jesus conquered evil by his death and resurrection?

Perhaps the best answer we can give is to say that evil is stubborn and persistent. Evil still remains in our midst even though Jesus overcame it (Satan chained). It’s something like war: even after victory, there is still mopping up to be done. The same is true in our own lives. Although we’ve been converted to the Lord and really changed our former selves, we’re not perfect! Many effects of the evil we and others have done still remain. And if we’re not careful, evil can still pop up its ugly head, especially when our defenses are down.

Satan released is John’s way of describing this reality. He is not telling his readers that at some distant period in history God will set Satan free to mislead us on a grand scale. Rather, he is reminding us that evil can spring up once again in our lives if we’re not careful, and that despite all that Jesus has done for us, we can still finally be lost.

Gog and Magog (20,8)

John says that after one thousand years Gog and Magog will be permitted to attack the people of God. There was a time it was claimed by Hal Lindsey that Gog and Magog refer to the Soviet Union. However, scholars see them as simply ‘mythical summaries’ of evil.

The names come from the OT prophet Ezekiel 38-39. Genesis 10,2 lists Magog as a northern nation. They are for Ezekiel not really historical but personifications whose features are drawn from the kings who conquered Israel, often coming from the north. John simply borrows these images. They remind us, as above, that we must never let our spiritual defenses down. For the forces of evil will again play havoc in our lives just as they have done in the past.

The 666 Beast (13)

The beast and its 666 number have been in the past destructive of church unity. Critics of the Catholic Church tried to show how Italika Ecclesia (in Greek) meaning Italian Church, comes to 666 when the numerical value of all the letters (gematria) is added together. Catholics counter argued by showing the Greek for Luther, Loutherana and Saxoneios (Saxon, meaning Luther) also equals 666. Futhermore, Maometis (Mohammed) and Nabonaparti (Napoleon or Hitler) show the same result.

Going back to the historical setting of the book of Rev, one needs to identify the person referred to by the number 666 and must look to the contemporary time of the author. Who best summarizes in the late 1st century the evil reflected in the image of the beast? Who was responsible for the persecution of the Christians with which the book of Rev deals? As special person now comes to the fore: Emperor Nero!

In July 64 AD, a terrible fire broke out in Rome. It is said that Nero, seemingly a madman, started the fire. He blamed the Christians and a persecution began. During this 1st persecution of the Church, both Peter and Paul were executed. Bishop Eusebius, the 1st serious Christian historian, in his History of the Early Church (early 400’s) tells us: ‘It is recorded that in Nero’s reign Paul was beheaded in Rome itself, and that Peter likewise was crucified, and the record is confirmed…by a churchman named Gaius.’

The name of Nero totals 666. Cesar Nero is written in Hebrew KSR NRWN. Giving the proper gematria to these Hebrew letters (K=100, S=60, R=200, N=50, R=200, W=6, N=50) a total of 666. In his person, Nero represents all the evil of the Roman empire (the beast). He together with the pagan Rome is the infamous Antichrist!

Why does the author of Revelation speak in such hidden symbolism? It was not because he was referring to some mysterious person centuries away in history, but, according to one explanation, because of his fear of being accused of treason. If the material happened to fall into Roman hands, even sterner measures might be taken against the Church. However, recent scholarship suggests that hidden symbolism was not used to avoid persecution and detection, but that it was just part of the literary genre.


  By: Roimar Montezo

Sa libu-libong tao sa mundo
Bakit ako pa ang tinawag mo
Di karapat dapat at makasalanang tao
Di bagay na maging sundalo mo

Mahina’t marupok
Tong’ puso’t isip

Pero bakit? Bakit ako
Isip koy litong-lito
Ano ba ang plano mo sa buhay ko
                                                         Panginoon ako’y may tiwala sayo
                                                         Ikaw na ang bahala sa buhay ko
                                                           Tinawag mo ako at oo ang sagot ko

                                                         magpapari ako, dahil sayo
                                                   magpapari ako, dahil ako ay tinawag mo
                                                magpapari ako, dahil ito’y kagustohan mo
                                                     magpapari ako, panginoon ko

                                              Kaya’t sa aking mga syota’t nagkakagusto
                                          Pasensya na may nag mamay ari na tong puso ko
                                               Ipagdasal nyo nalang ako
                                                   Kasi mahinat marupok tong
                                                           Puso’t isip ko

                                                          Koro1 & koro 2

All Souls Day Homily

All Souls Day Homily

(Some of the reflections are taken from the reflection of Fr. Abet and Fr. Vir)


Karon ang simbahang Katoliko sa tibuok kalibutan nagsaulog sa All Souls Day o adlaw sa mga patay o kalag-kalag. Gihandum nato ang mga nangamatay nga magtutuo sa Ginoo.

Unsaon ba nato paghandum sa atong mga patay isip buhi nga magtotuo? Igo nab a ang pagpintal ug bag-o sa pantiyon? Igo nab a ang pag guna sa sagbot sa palibot? Sakto ba nga maghubog sa paghandum nila? Okay nab a kun g halaran ug suman, biko,litson,tanduay ug uban pa? ing-anaon ba nato sila paghandum?

DIILI! Kay ang sakto nga paghandum kanila mao ang paghalad sa PAG-AMPO. Kabalo kita nga ang misa ang pinakataas nga pag-ampo. Busa kita nga mga buhi katon nga naghandum sa atong mga minatay karun sakto kini atong gibuhat nga naghalad tau g pag-ampo alang kanila. Ang beer, suman, pintal ug uban pa di makadala kanila sa gingharian sa Dios. Apan ang atong pag-ampo makadala kanila sa gingharian sa Dios.

Busa kita karun mga buhi nga magtotuo nag-ampo sa mga kalag sa purgatorio aron malangit sila…samtang ang mga santos sa langit nag-ampo alang sa mga buhi arun makasugakod sa kasakit ug mahimong bulahan.(connection sa All saints day)

Busa ang pag-ampo gamhanan. Ang pag-ampo makaluwas ug makabag-o

Isip nga magtotuo, kita gitodluan sa simbahan nga ang kinabuhisa tawo gasa sa Dios. Matag adlaw, matag minute, matag Segundo sa atong kinabuhi gasa sa Dios. Ug tungod kay gasa man kini sa Dios, ato kining gamiton sa mayo sumala sa iyang kabubut-on. Dili nato kini abusaran, dili usab nato kini usikan.

Ang kinabuhi sa tawo mubo lamang.

Ang kamubo sa kinabuhi dinhi sa kalibutan makapabalaka sa tawong kalibutanon, apan dili sa mga tawong matoohon. Kita nga mga sumusunod ni Kristo mitoo sa iyang gipamulong: “amg motoo kanako dili mamatay kon dili makabaton sa kinabuhing dayon”. Gihimo kita para makig-uban sa Dios. Dili aron magpabilin ning kalibutana. Ang atong pagpangandam dili ra kutob dinhi kondili sa kinabuhi nga giandam sa Dios kanato.

Ang tinuod nga magtotoo angay madasig sa paghatag ug bili sa matag Segundo ning kinabuhi sa kalibutan. Gamiton nato ang matag gutlo sa atong kinabuhi sa paghimo sa kabubut-on sa Dios. Dili nato usikan ang mga adlaw sa pagpakigaway, pagpakigdumot ug pagpakigbungol sa atong mga igsoon ug silingan. Dili nato kawangon ang daghang oras sa pagsugal, pag-inum ug ubang dautang mga bisyo. Hinoon, gamiton nato ang matag panahon sa mga butang nga makahuluganun sama sa pag-alagad sa usag-usa, paghigugmaay, pagpinasayloay ug uban pa. dili nata maghulat og matigulang para magtinarong. Dili nata maghulat nga masakit para mabag-o sa batasan. Dili nata maghulat nga moretiro para motabang sa simbahan. Kon duna tay gusto nga buhaton para sa Dios ug sa isigkatawo, buhaton na nato karon kay basin ugma ulahi na ang tanan.

Sa atong Ebanghelyo karun si Jesus maghukom kanato. Unsaon man nato arun kita maluwas? Kon kita sa matag higayon nagahimo niining mga butanga sa usa ka labing ubos nga igsuon:

• Ang pagpakaon sa gigutom

• Pagpainum sa giuhaw

• Pagdawat sa balay

• Sa pagbisti sa hubo

• Pagalima sa nay sakit

• Pagbisita sa bilanguan

Ug mangutana mo kanako karun. Brother unsaon man namo pagpakaon, painum, pagbisti ug uban pa nga pobre man mi kayo.


Ang Ginoo maghukom kanato dili sa atong physical appearance, kurso nga nahuman, posisyon sa katilingban ug uban pa. kon dili si Jesus magahukom kung unsa atong mga binuhatan dire sa kalibutan.

Nag pakaon kaba, nagpainum, nagbisti, nagdawat, nagalima, ug nag bisita ka ba sa ubos mong mga igsuon?

Hinaut unta!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

• I was installed as LECTOR and the mass was presided by Bishop Pueblos of Butuan.

• Burial of former Pres. Corazon Aquino the beacon of the democracy of our motherland Philippines.

• Knowing the past we will know the present conditions better.

• Feast of St. John Vianney one of my patron saint in my journey as seminarian and priest to be

• From the class of Fr. Boy: if the business man tries to do everything just to sell his business. Priest should try also his best in giving homily. Because sometimes people will come to the church for homily.

• From the class of Fr. Boy:

o Formula of Homily: 1. Have something to say 2. Say it! 3. Stop!


- What I realized during the duration of the recollection was that, if you are searching something and you can’t find it in this world. Listen to the inner voice it might be that God is calling you.


• When bad things happen to me, God has a positive answer.

I say: I am afraid….God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

• Text message from Zoila:

- Heated gold becomes an ornament, beaten copper becomes wire, depleted stone becomes statue; so, the more pain you get in life, the more you become “VALUABLE”


• W.A.L.A.(Willing, Able, Lovable, Available)

• The Word of life must be transmitted in its purity and its fullness, for the life of the world.

• The more one understands God the more mysterious God becomes. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.

• Me and my best friend ariel met again for almost 9 months.

• One’s commitment is not a once-for-all decision; rather it has to be renewed and reaffirmed daily.

• I’m not the director of my life nor the writer…I am just an ACTOR!

• Jesus is the bread of life that can heal and fill us.

• From the class of Fr.Boy: it is not our prayer, the mass, kneeling, doing good deeds, etc. that makes as holy. It is only God that can make as HOLY.


• From the speech of Bishop Bacani:

- We are meant for blessing

- Priesthood is not only a gift to us but also we are gift to others

- Pastoral charity means loving the SHEPHERD

- Ang binibilang sa langit hindi yaong tinatangap natin kundi yung binibigay natin

- There is something in me that is more than my humanity

- The glorious duty of man is to love Jesus and prayers

- It is not only our presence matters but the presence of Christ in us

- Common denominator of priest is the closeness of God

- We are all meant to be saint

• Feast of ST. Augustine one of my patron saint in my journey as seminarian and priest to be.

• My first spiritual direction with Fr. Vir. These are some lines that strucked me most

- Hesitant person is a good leader

- Hate the sin; love the person that is the formula of forgiveness

• That’s all folks!heheeh

Sunday, September 27, 2009

GRACE: Walk your Talk

GRACE: Walk your Talk

According to St Augustine, “everything is grace.” I do believe and accept this as a norm of my life as a seminarian. Without this gift I’m just like a fruit tree bearing no fruits. Grace is very essential gift of God to us, especially for us responsible for transmitting His words to mankind. We must have this grace from God so that we will be invincible in our preaching ministry which is needed to our generation now. No matter who you are, no matter how intelligent you are if you don’t posses this gift your just nothing but a waste.

Honestly speaking one of my favorite teachers is Fr. Manol. I like the way he teaches and delivers his topics. What I like him most is that every time he delivers his discussion I feel “heavy” inside my heart. Not because his discussion is boring but because of the wisdom and the challenges behind it. Sometime I would ask, “kaya ba naku ning tanan na ginahagit sa ako ni Fr. Manol?” However I also get the answer from the class that God reveals gradually like what we observe in nature. Then I’d realize that I can do the challenges of priesthood someday with the guidance of the Lord and with His grace. I must nurture my relationship with God. I am the branch and God is the vine. With this relationship I know I can be a good preacher someday.

Here is one of my experiences about the gift of grace. During my college formation years I reported to a parish. After supper one of the priests in the convent offered a long- neck superior tanduay for us to pass the night. At around 10:30 pm he told me to give homily for tomorrow’s mass. I hesitated to accept it because I was drunk already. But he insisted because he had difficulty in his voice. Due to my obedience to him I accepted the offer. I was uneasy that night thinking what to share. My dizziness was gone because of the pressure given to me. Despite being uneasy and sleepy I prayed for enlightenment and the grace to understand the Sunday gospel. Fortunately around 12:30 am I was able to write what to share at mass the next day. No matter how uneasy you are; no matter how dizzy you are, no matter how sleepy you are if you pray and ask God for grace he will not abandon you. Rather he will bless you and grant your request. After I delivered my sharing in the pulpit the priest congratulated me for a job well done and for a nice and reflective sharing. And I told myself I can’t do that or reflect that way with out the grace from God. That’s why this word is really a big deal for me. Grace matters most in my life. All the success I’d achieve always comes from grace. That’s why I’d choose this theme for my theological reflection because it implies me of who am I. And I am hoping that I am a grace and not a disgrace.

What is the challenge then for me? I know that someday I will be an instrument of God in interpreting, explaining and transmitting the Sacred Scriptures to the faithful. It is my task then that I will explain the scripture vividly. I must not interpret the Sacred Scripture in my own words. Simple to tell that it is easy to make a homily but it’s not. That is why as tatak Viannista seminarian I should know how to interpret, explain and transmit the Sacred Scripture faithfully without addition or subtraction. How to do this: simply by asking the grace of God for enlightenment as you reflect Sacred Scripture to get its wisdom. In order to receive what you are asking for you must know how to listen and accept God’s voice. Openness is needed to oneself in order for him to receive the grace then as he waits for it he must know how to listen God’s voice because by doing this you would be able to transmit appropriately and interpret and explain the Sacred Scripture in a faithful manner.

And the biggest challenge of being a priest is how you apply all the teachings of Christ into your life. Are you just a preacher, talker, speaker and your lifestyle is against what you are preaching about? Many of us are a good speaker yet not in action. Jesus Christ is the model, a man of His words and deeds. That’s why we are encouraged to do the same. There is an old saying that states, “Words can convince but works can convert.” Convincing is essential but we need conversion also. That’s why the challenge then is that these two are inseparable they must go together. Like what our discussions in the previous meetings we’ve talk about words and deed. That words interpret and give meaning to the deeds, while the deeds are the actualization and fulfillment of the words. Both are important then as preacher to be we must posses this character because people today need modeling and modeling should start in the leader so that the members will follow. A future priest someday needs the grace to walk his talk. When will I practice it? KABAG-UHAN NOW NA! BAHALAG GRADUAL LANG! As early as this stage I should practice what I am trying to prove myself in the near future as a priest that walk his talk. Is it impossible? No! There’s nothing impossible with God’s grace. Amen…



















Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Rooted and Centered in Christ

There is no other reason behind why I am here in the seminary. I was called by God and I responded to His call. From this sense, I believe that this calling is really rooted in Christ. But the question: “Am I Christ- centered in living the seminary formation?” I was shocked by my own question. It took several minutes before I realized and remembered my life during my college years. While I was a pre-collegian as far as I remember I was really sure that those days were most glorifying, something to be proud of to God because I was Christ- centered then. Moreover there is other side in every story. This reality is already part of my history. Yes it is a shameful truth. When I was in College especially my first year and second year in formation, I forgot to bring Christ in the center of life. And it was worsened when I was sent out in the formation. The more I ran away from God or Jesus. Days and months passed by, there is no God anymore in my life. I settle my own life believing that I can do everything without Him. But I realized later that I am nothing with out Him. Thanks be to God. God loves me so much despite all the things I’ve done to Him. There were instances when God was calling me again to be back in the seminary formation. But God received lot of rejection from me. I was like a ship without a rudder, a waif. My life had no direction. It seemed life was meaningless. Fortunately God never stopped calling me. He courted me like a lover. This time I hastily said yes to Him. That’s why I am here in St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. In connection with all this experience of mine I would conclude with conviction that this calling is not rooted in worldly desire. Rather it is rooted in Christ. When it is rooted in Christ it entails then that it is Christ- centered. And if I am going to rate myself I will give myself 7 out of 10. Because I am not a perfect person. I know I have a long road to be perfect. The seminary formation is a tool for me to achieve the perfect score. I am aiming for it. How to achieve that? By the help of Jesus Christ, my personal devotion and commitment to this vocation, by the help of our formators outside the seminary, people who are very supportive in my disposition. On the other hand as I make this very long journey I know that there will be hindrances. I know what are my weakest point and my worst enemy. That’s why I am now trying to tame myself because I am the greatest enemy of myself. The greatest battle is not outside of myself but here in myself. Who can defeat this? It is only myself. However why worry if there is God loving me so much despite who you are. God is so in loved with me without reservation. I’m so in loved with Him, even though sometimes it is conditional. But the important is I love Him. If I am in love I don’t even care about the hindrances and obstacles I encountered in the road. Love overcomes them all. Love conquers everything. Love will lead me into my vocation. If Ninoy Aquino said Filipinos are worth dying for, I would say JESUS is the most worthy to die for. This person is the best source to the ideals of Diocesan Priestly Vocation. If I am really rooted and Christ centered, only through Him, in Him you can achieved a perfect servant hood someday. And that is what I am doing and practicing right now so that by practicing as early as this stage of my life I can perfect the rating scale not for my own good but for the greater Glory of our God and His people. Thank you!

Monday, August 31, 2009


- Mt. 8:28-34 (the devil recognize the presence of the Lord) Do I recognize the presence of the Lord in my life?

- I realize that what if there are no sinners in this world? priesthood then is useless.

- House of Joy: my first assignment for my Pastoral Formation


- score or grades doesn't defines me of who I am.

-If you hate your life: LOVE GOD AND YOU WILL ENJOY LIFE

- the greatest enemy of yours is yourself

-the strongest weapon is a smile and the best power is to love

-I have come to you not to make you love me. But rather to make you realize that you're worth loving...JESUS

-from the 3rd encyclical of POPE..."profit is useful if it serves as means toward and end."

- 3 years of my FIAT





- by the virtue of being a seminarian I am no longer a "private man" but a "public individual."





I am a DUDE seminarian..

-be patient in listening...listening is part of my ministry someday

-the subcommunity of ST. Francis Xavier watched Ice Age 3

- I was angry to God...because I was ill...


- Global Warning: Priestly Vocation is Waning

- I am officially member of the BUKID MAJORS

- text message that inspires me:

" whatever lige gives you even if it hurts, just be strong and act like the way you always do. bacause strong walls will shake...but never collapse..

- i realized that everytime i got sick i am not faithful in my prayer life.


-PRIESTHOOD is not power but SERVICE

-I was able to write a song dedicated to my favorite saints(Vianney & Augustine) entitled WISH TO BE LIKE YOU

- I was able to watched and listened the SONA of Pres. Gloria...it was my first time...

- the community of SJVTS attended the funeral mass of the late madame Rosales


- feast of St.Ignatius...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Background of this composition: this is the fruit of my reflection during the time when I was out of formation. I forgot the exact date and time when it was written. This song is simply implying the POWER OF PRAYER. No matter whom you are or what you are? If you are not praying you are nothing.


We are living of sins
Because of money and fame
But you want to dare
To be different among them

You want to fight temptations
of worldly things
You want to defeat Satan
But not knowing how and where to begin
The only thing you need is a little time to

Pray, pray. Pray everyday
Pray, pray, pray sincerely
Kneel down vow your head
And pray, pray,pray faithfully
Be humble stay simple
Live your life with humility

Be good do good as what
Jesus good to you
Follow his teachings
And practice what you’ve learn
Do not envy nor be greedy
Instead show your generosity
And when the devil comes
Don’t forget to pray

Be a hero
The powers you need
The strengths you need
Comes from the way you…..


Thursday, August 13, 2009



(The Vocation Story and Reflection of Roimar Ocho Montezo)


The Beginning of God’s Plan

When I was a second year high school student of SAIT (San Agustin Institute of Technology), I became an altar boy in our parish. Without knowing that, this will be the beginning of my priestly desire. As a young lad at that time the reasons why I enter in the organization were the following; I got attracted of their white vestment, their participation in the altar while mass is going on and lastly to become popular in school.

My First Sotana

As life goes on there was a nun who is very devoted in the Legion of Mary. She wanted that the organization of the altar boys must inclined also to the Legion of Mary, and to change the system and to practice the Legion of Mary in the Organization. But, it was not as easy as that, because all our officers neglected the offer. But to cut it short all those who don’t favor the offer quit the organization, and they are mostly my classmates and friends in school. Nevertheless, because I was a newly member at that time and my sotana was brand new and expensive, I decided not to go or quit with the group. Therefore my brand new and expensive sotana saved the day.

The Presence of MCM sister

At that time I thought that the organization will fade away. But it was the opposite things happen. Though we are like sheep with out shepherd because we have no leader. Sr. Delia Akut, MCM sister became our moderator with her assistant an aspirant of their congregation became our shepherd and “ATE”. The whole program of our organization was changed and all of us must undergo those changes. New or old altar boy must take a 1 month test on perseverance and dedication of the organization. Some fails but most of us pass the test. We are now officially a member of Valencia Altar Boys and Legion of Mary. Our praesidium name was Stella Mariz. We commemorate this event on a graduation ceremony headed by our parish priest Fr. Arnold Ranque in front of the church goers and our parents during his 6 pm Saturday mass. That was one of the unforgettable moments in my life as a young lad, wearing a new sotana in front of the people. My second sotana to be precise.

Servant hood in the Organization

When our organization was now well organized, my colleagues voted me as their president and to lead the organization for the better. I accepted the challenge though I hated the position because of the responsibility that lays a head. The organization runs smoothly though you can’t please everybody. We are not just merely sacristan doing typical things as a server or assisting priest in the mass. We have also an apostolate like visiting the jail, choir every wednesday morning, teaching catechism especially in the month of May, we also have socialization once a month and of course we have time to strengthen our spiritual aspects in life. We have Taize prayer, recollection, black rosary, regular meeting once a week and pilgrimage.
This is the time I really experienced the love of God and my devotion to Mother Mary. And this is also the starting point of my attraction in the priestly life. This is the best moment of my life, seems all things runs so smoothly starting from my family, friends, financial status until to my studies. I can only say what an ecstasy.

My Best Friend

One of the best gifts I ever received from God was the friend of mine who became my best friend. I meet him in the organization and became my vice president. His name is Ariel Quintero. It was almost the end of the school year and we are third year at that time, when we talked about what courses to take up in college. I was surprised by his answer when he said to me with conviction that he wanted to be a priest someday. When it was my turn to share priest hood was excluded in my list. When Sr. Delia called our attention to go to her office, he ask both of us what course to take up in college. When it was my turn I just exclaimed in a loud voice “MAG PARI LAGI KO SISTER”, with laughing ridiculously, because I did mean what I say. However, I was shocked of her reaction, she said to me in a saintly manner “That what comes out from your Mouth comes from your Heart.” And he gave us her advised to discern more.

The Turning Point

The most exciting moment when you are high school was to be an aspirant of CAT-1 Officers. This is the dream of every student, and I was one of that dreamers. For several days of training and sacrificing, one late afternoon our commandant pulled me out in the platoon, and she talked to me immediately with out any ado. She said “are you Mr. Montezo? You know what? you have the potential to be the batcom in this batch of yours, but you can’t serve two master at the same time. Hearing these words from her was so shocking, I said to myself, “HAG-AS NISOLOD MANING TWO MASTER?” And she continued saying, “if you’re here tomorrow in your training it means that you leave the other but if you are not here it means you quit in here. I was really, really confused of what she said to me.
In the next day, the date was September 8, 2003 there were two big events of my life at that time in same venue. First, was the training and second was the celebration of Blessed Virgin Mary on her birthday with my organization. I didn’t leave the organization, I participated the program while watching my fellow classmates do the training. Until now I didn’t know why I did that or give up such dream of mine. But one thing for sure I’ll never regret my decision and I just offer it to the Blessed Virgin Mary as my gift on her birthday. Because of this spiritual experienced, as early as third year I already concluded what to take up in college, and that was to be a priest someday.
I and my best friend took the entrance exam of Pope John 23rd College Seminary; we both passed the written exam. Unfortunately he didn’t pass the interview. Yah! It’s very disappointing but it’s not a hindrance to continue the passion to follow Christ and to pursue my priestly vocation.

Seminary Years

Originally we are 19 in our batch. We called our batch as TUBURAN. Staying in the seminary is very challenging. You encounter 18 different personalities everyday, with the longing of your friends and family, plus the structure you live under the formation. But with the love of the Lord and faith to him I survived. I was recommended to continue college and there was also some who didn’t make it. I was very grateful when I was recommended because my dream is now starting to be realized.
In college, though the pressure of the academics of the school and philosophy in the seminary are high, still I live the CASA life of the seminary. I became a consistent dean’s lister in the school and no major offense in the seminary formation.
The longer I stayed in the formation the more crises I’ve experienced. I’ve experienced different crises in my life as seminarian. Like the dryness and emptiness, uncertainty of your vocation, demand of the seminary and demand of the school, the attraction of opposite sex, etc.
Dryness, emptiness, uncertainty, demands, etc. was cope up by mine with the grace of the Lord. But in the attraction towards the opposite sex, I failed. Due to my desire and peer pressure also. Because every body is doing it why can’t I? That was my statement before I enter to a forbidden relationship towards the opposite sex. I was second year at that time that I thought she’s the answer of my misery, but I was wrong.

The Truthfulness

It was our summer class in philosophy at Pre-College Seminary, 2003. In general there were no big problems encountered or misfits of the seminarians while in the Pre-College. But at the end of our summer class we are gathered all together with Fr. Vir for important business to tell. Seeing the face of Fr. Vir I know there is something wrong, and I was precisely right. Until I was called personally in his office at the bishop’s house, He tells me what the problem is and the reason why I was being called. Before I went there I’d already told myself to be honest and to tell the truth and expect the unexpected.

The Tribulation

When Fr. Vir ask me about all the information that he needed I hastily answers all his questions with out lies with the faith that it you tell the truth you will be forgiven or given a compensation to your fault. But that was not realized. Leaving the bishop’s house after my interrogation, I didn’t think negatively instead think positively that I will be given a second chance by the committee. I’m very confident at that time because as I look back my life as seminarian for 3 years I haven’t yet a record of major offense aside from this one. Comparing to the other seminarians who were included in this anomaly that was my mental set up I’ve got into my mind. Though I’m confident I still worry and my only prayer at that moment was that, “Your will be done Lord and a fair trial”.
A week before the enrollment starts I went back to Fr. Vir to know the decision of the committee. As I heard the report coming from his mouth that I am suggested to stay out side in the formation for a year, there is no impulsive reaction coming from my side. I just listen to him and go out to his office accepting the decision of the committee. When I went back to the seminary to get my belongings, I told my best friend while walking towards the seminary, that if those seminarians whom I know has a worse case than me were still their, I will not be back in the seminary forever, I will condemn it for the rest of my life. While approaching near in the seminary those guys that I’ve been talking about was still their and render a smile with me. Seeing them in the seminary burst my heart with anger and hate. And I said to myself that honesty is not the best policy because if I lied during in the interrogation maybe I’m still in the formation. That was the most painful experienced I’ve encountered in my life. I get easily irritated, ashamed, depressed, in general it changes my aura as an energetic and sociable person. Only the redhorse, tanduay and emperador are my friends during that time, they made me at ease and forget the mishap of my life though it is just for a while. And I remember one seminarian told me once when I was still a sacristan at that time, he said “If you wanted to become a priest then lie” I thought it was just a cliché of the seminarians but it is a reality based on my experienced. I have so many questions and doubt about the decision of the committee. What’s the grieve reason of my deportation from the seminary? My mind are full of why? Why? Why? That’s why I put all the grudges to one person, in the presence of Fr. Vir because he is the only person I see, talk and the person who interrogates me.

The Sun Shines

Realizing that my whole life was affected of the misfortune of mine especially my social life and my academics, that’s why I decided to cope up. One of my techniques in coping up is to write what I felt and formulate it with a rhyme so that it can be sung. I actually made two songs dedicated to my self entitled “Hatred Theme” and “Buti pa Sila”. Every time I sing this song with intense emotion I felt relieve and it lessens the pain inside my heart. But it doesn’t heal me totally. So, I’ve done one of the bravest acts in my life to talk the person who is the cause of all my miseries. I cried in front of him saying that I hated him so much and carrying this for 6 months. After I expressed my remorse to him and listening also to his side I was totally healed and can afford to smile to everybody whom I thought my enemy. And I’m back in the business as a person who is enthusiastic and audacious.

Life outside the Formation

After I was sent out, I’d also break up with my girl friend and find another one. I focus my life in studying and enjoying what life has to offer me now. When I was 4th year, those seminarians who are involved on the summer class anomaly were sent out to formation for different reasons. The population of ex-seminarian grows in number outside the formation, so we decided to create a B.E.C. cell for our spiritual outlet aside from attending masses. That’s our outlet where we can express all the grudges and resentment in the seminary. We sometimes invite priest to attend our session and Fr. Vir was one of them.
There are many pleasant things happen into my life after I was sent out. One of them was I became the Editor-in-Chief of our yearbook and Graduated Cum Laude, despite of all the circumstances I’ve experienced in my life. And every time my friends, teachers, classmates and relatives ask me about when will I enter back in the seminary? I’ll always response them in this phrase, “next question please!”


The Courtship Started

After my graduation I got my first job as a part time teacher of San Isidro College High School Department. I taught English I&II, PEHM3, Social Studies II and Computer II. I felt bless because of the fortune I’ve got which I can earn and live with out the support of my parents. As a neophyte on this field of teaching I’d encountered difficulties not in terms of the relationship towards my colleagues but the difficulties to cope the demand of my subjects. I really need give an extra time and extra effort to study and research because most of the subject I taught was not my field. Despite of that situation I still love my job and do great things on it.
It was late July when I felt emptiness in my heart though I’ve almost got everything still there is a missing piece. I taught I needed a girlfriend? When I got one though I’m happy, but yet not satisfied and still looking for more. Sometimes it crosses my mind to go back in the formation but I just told to my self “no way” this is not the answer of my misery.

The Power of Prayer

Month of August I experienced the power of the prayer.
Teacher’s Board Exam is fast approaching the more I become tense and pressured. There’s a lot of what if in my mind. So, I made a deal to the Lord that if I pass the exam it means, that teaching is my calling but if I failed, priesthood is my calling. Further the exam came, and I take the exam with an ecstasy of calmness and preparedness mentally and emotionally. Though I didn’t answer all the questions correctly, I’m just amaze of my disposition during I took the exam. The tranquility I’ve experienced was a concrete example of God’s love for me. He really listens to my plea. It is really true that if you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for. (Mt.21:22)

Struggle from With In

Waiting for the result of the exam, life goes on in the field with the hope that I pass the exam. In the faculty room during our vacant period it’s the time to chit-chat. Some teacher will share about their family problems; their insecurities in life, failures, etc… some will also share to me and advised me that marriage is not all about sex. Upon hearing all those issues in marital status, it gives me a birds eye view what will be my life in the near future, and every time priesthood crosses my mind I said no way. I did everything and anything to answer what I am looking for and what’s the reason why I felt such emptiness, and I did not succeed in my quest. I still struggle the emptiness in my heart, a struggle that myself can only help and solve.

The Deal was Broken

The result of the teacher’s licensure exam was already released. Fortunately I passed the exam and I really praise God for the miracle and never forget the deal we have. But I myself broke it up because though I’m professional teacher now still it doesn’t fill the emptiness in my heart. At this time I give chance to God that he can now bossed my life. This is the time also I ask for reinforcement in the person of Fr. Vir to help me what is going on into my life. And he became my spiritual director. Life must go on until the school year ended.

Date with the Lord

As a catholic Institution, annual retreat of the personnel is expected. It was held at Jesuit Retreat House, Malaybalay City and facilitated by Fr. Bobby Cena. There’s only one thing in my mind to get from this retreat and that is to seek answer of what I am searching for. I really experience that God is working with me by giving some insights to the answer I’ve been looking for. During the confession Fr. Bobby ask me that when will you be back in the formation. It got my attention, but I said again to myself no way it’s not what God want me to do. But, you know based on my reflections during the retreat that was really the message of God to me. However, I don’t take it seriously and stop reflecting.

Looking for Greener Pasture

I did not renew my contract in San Isidro College High School Department, for the purpose I have other plan to do. I wanted to apply at the government school in our city. Then when I already finish passing all the needed requirements in the Dep-Ed, San Andres High School and SAIT phone me that they are in need of teacher in there institution but I rejected the offer though I’m not yet sure what will happen to my application in the Dep-Ed.
While waiting in my rank it is also the time that I have time to myself and focus in my life. The intense courtship of God strikes back again into my life. Every night I experienced talking to myself, like a foolish person, asking questions and sometimes beating my head and asking what is going on. It seems like a torture or punishment inside my brain. This dramatic event of mine makes me realize that I’m futile and disabled because there’s nothing I can do about it. It makes me kneeled and vowed down before Christ with the prayer “Lord, help me how to surrender my self” “the more I deny you the stronger you strike back”.
I have also time to evaluate my teaching experience at SICHS. Realizing that teaching is really not my calling do I did a great job still it doesn’t filled my heart. I’d envy my colleagues who are happy doing their job and why I can’t be like them in order to settle down and to be happy. Why I felt this disturbance of my heart why others don’t? What’s wrong with me? Am I cursed? Or this is really not my path or purpose in life? I really craving to be enlightened and to grasp his message into my life and what really God wants me to do. However, this annoyance makes me compose a song that I love much to play every time it strikes back. It is entitled ‘The Light’.

The Day I Say Yes

It was July 9, 2006 at St. Augustine parish church. I was attending the 4th mass presided by Fr. Boy Cagatin. The afternoon was perfect to hear a homily since cool breeze is on the air. Nevertheless, when the mass started I felt unease and I can’t explain what I felt during that time its kind of disturbance again in my heart. I felt tired, bored, etc. And I argue God saying “Lord seldom I visit your house to be with you for an hour but why you treat me this way?” Until the homily was finish still I felt disturb not by the church goers, because I’m sitting alone in the pew. God disturb me. Without nowhere to run to hide and to powerless and to tired, I announce to Him saying “YES, I will go back in the seminary” adding “you win Lord” after that announcement the feeling of emptiness and unease were gone like a bubble and feeling fresh both body and soul. I was amaze of God’s manifestation to me in the pew. By this experience it became my conviction that I was really called in the priestly vocation. I was the last man who went out side the church after the mass because I’m still amaze of what happen before the communion. Bringing the realization, that God works in a mysterious way through simple things, God can’t be rationalize rather he may understand by listening your heart. Don’t think God rather feel God. Lastly, as what St. Augustine told us, that your heart is restless until it rest in God.

After the Manifestation

I write a song entitled “motivation/conviction”. I am now at peace; the trouble in my heart is gone already. Excited to reapply again in the seminary and spreading the news to my priest friends and my tita’s what happen to me last July 9. All my worries and uncertainties if ever I will be admitted again in the seminary was offer now to God. With nothing to be afraid off or worry about because I know now His with me in this journey. I will do the best I can give and he will do the things I can’t do. Now, we became partners in this journey to the Father.
Moreover, God gives me the message why I was sent out, why I was left in our batch, etc. he told me that there’s a purpose of everything he done unto me, to become stronger, because I have a task to do in the near future. Believing God says, yes He is precisely right. With out those crosses in my life I’m not this strong as I am now. I remembered what God says to St. Rose of Lima when He says “the graces comes after tribulation and that with out the cross men can find no heaven.” I know that following Him is not easy, but why should I worry if we love each other. Surrendering my self and let him bossed my life is the only key in this journey. This is how God called me. First, in the altar then in the pew. People say that the second time is greater than the first. YES!